38.397448827422714, -78.06440600545793
Artificial Intelligence - an experiment
Artificial intelligence is one of the themes that have been marking the cultural debate in recent years. The field of architectural design and lighting engineering is not excluded from this debate.
Everyone in our professional field seems to be asking how helpful artificial intelligence can be in drafting a project, how it can provide reliable assistance to professionals, and in what aspects of the work. We are not in a position to give an unambiguous answer, we do not have pre-packaged solutions nor do we want to delve into such rough terrain with expertise that we inevitably do not have. As a multidisciplinary firm, however, we love to dive into innovation and get swept up in cutting-edge solutions. Simply put, we are avant-garde enthusiasts. We are guarded, sure. We are cautious and precise in our evaluation of all new work tools but, on the other hand, we do not want to deny ourselves anything. On the contrary, we want to know and encourage the sharing of culture in all areas. All the more so when the topic is so disruptive in scope and has long been heralded as a Copernican revolution.

These graphic elaborations are originated as a rudimentary search for good references for a lighting project curated by LightScene Studio.
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